

Why certain features work the way they do

You will know why certain features are useful and why they work they way they do.

nextCommand argWhy

You will learn why the nextCommand argument exists.

  • Location: Configuration
  • Key: cursorPlus.<insert-command>.args.nextCommand
  • Description: Argument to run a command after inserting text

ExamplesnextCommand argWhy

Here's how to create a custom command that inserts a semicolon at line end, followed by a line break without using nextCommand argument.

Keyboard shortcutExamplesnextCommand argWhy

    "key": "ctrl+shift+alt+;",
    "command": "runCommands",
    "args": {
      "commands": [
          "command": "cursorPlus.insert.lineEnd",
          "args": {
            "text": ";"

VideoExamplesnextCommand argWhy

Notice that you need to press ctrl+z twice to undo - once for insertLineBreak and once for cursorPlus.insert.lineEnd