

This section contains general information about CursorPlus.

Selection partsInfo

A selection is made of 2 parts:

  • Anchor: the fixed part of the selection.
  • Active: the moving part of the selection.

Selection parts example

Invalid config valuesInfo

You will learn how invalid configuration values are treated.

Let's say you have the following configuration:

  "cursorPlus.autoInsert": {
    "hello-world": 123, // invalid key
    "enabled": "yes", // invalid value type (expected: boolean)
    "global": [""], // invalid item (string must be 1 or more characters)
    "lineEnd": [",", ";", { "text": "1" }] // last item is invalid: missing "alias" key
  "cursorPlus.aliases": {
    "global": {
      "lineStart": true //  invalid value type (Deep): (expected: string)

Each invalid value will be ignored, and this is what the extension will get from your configuration:

  "cursorPlus.autoInsert": {
    "lineEnd": [",", ";"]

You won't see any error messages by CursorPlus telling you that the configuration is invalid. VSCode IntelliSense will be enough.